PBC Materials : DacCom PBC
Created: 10 September, 2008 14:48


File Size Date 
DacCom Exec 150808 meeting record.pdf  35 K 10/09/08
EoE Flier August.pdf  57 K 10/09/08
stroke strategy dec 07 DOH.PDF  1.067 K 10/09/08
Community Partners bulletin August 08_FINAL.pdf  248 K 10/09/08
DacCom Revised 2008-09 Plan.pdf  617 K 10/09/08
2006-07 DacCom outturn.pdf  448 K 10/09/08
2007-08 DacCom outurn.pdf  345 K 10/09/08
WHertsTraininginvite.pdf  120 K 10/09/08
AGM 2008 notice.pdf  24 K 10/09/08
reasons for early years interventions doh document.pdf  152 K 10/09/08
overview of Child Health Promotion Programme.pdf  48 K 10/09/08
DacCom EoL Commissioning Case for Change Support Form.pdf  40 K 28/06/08
Flyer 25 June08 - Simulation Event.pdf  57 K 28/06/08
DacCom_Commissioning_Plan 2008-09.pdf  611 K 28/06/08
EPMHS Leaflet.pdf  67 K 28/06/08
epmhs-Dacorum AH2008_Layout 1.pdf  67 K 28/06/08
Stakeholder Bulletin Issue April 2008_FINAL.PDF  340 K 28/06/08
DacCom 2008-09 Commissioning Plan.pdf  1.420 K  5/06/08
Premises Funding.pdf  20 K  5/06/08
PBC Framework & PBC LES.pdf  36 K  5/06/08
PBC 220508.pdf  36 K  5/06/08
west herts dyspepsia pathway.pdf  67 K 25/05/08
Letter to DacCom from Peter Graves.pdf  188 K 25/05/08
LGH Project Structure v5.pdf  267 K 25/05/08
Navigant slides.pdf  1.408 K 25/05/08
TUPE.pdf  87 K 25/05/08
Innocenti 7 child poverty in rich countries.pdf  1.559 K 25/05/08
DacCom draft template Commissioning Plan.pdf  875 K 25/05/08
EoE vision.pdf  145 K 25/05/08
what Warrington are doing.pdf  306 K 25/05/08
West Hertfordshire PCT_SRM.pdf  894 K 25/05/08
one view of community services.pdf  455 K 25/05/08
Fisher Hamilton Pelley Ms 240408.pdf  173 K 25/05/08
childrens services 2.pdf  152 K 25/05/08
childrens services 1.pdf  147 K 25/05/08
Clinic Record 2008.pdf  13 K 25/05/08
NEW DoH Monitoring Form.pdf  27 K 25/05/08
Stakeholder Bulletin Issue April 2008_FINAL (3).pdf  340 K 25/05/08
IC beds staffing levels.pdf  26 K 25/05/08
Herts Forward consultation responses.pdf  568 K  3/05/08
Dacorum HCOP LSP funding application.pdf  118 K  3/05/08
Herts LAA Target Leads.pdf  148 K  3/05/08
Herts 2021 and LAA bulletin.pdf  168 K  3/05/08
Dacorum HCOP meeting & notes 300408.pdf  101 K  3/05/08
sandy2.pdf  382 K  3/05/08
sandy1.pdf  386 K  3/05/08
Stahcom_V3.pdf  84 K  3/05/08
Hertsmere_V3.pdf  85 K  3/05/08
rcgp darzi factsheet 2.pdf  164 K  3/05/08
Darzi Centre letter.pdf  204 K  3/05/08
PBC Leads 200308.pdf  48 K  3/05/08
WCC handout 4.pdf  61 K  3/05/08
WCC handout 3.pdf  165 K  3/05/08
WCC handout 2.pdf  765 K  3/05/08
WCC handout 1.pdf  1.307 K  3/05/08
IAPT Commissioning Toolkit.pdf  365 K 11/04/08
NHS Choices.pdf  2.116 K 11/04/08
Pharmacy White Paper April 08.pdf  1.318 K 11/04/08
Record_080403.pdf  61 K 11/04/08
LTCs charter_poster.pdf  129 K 11/04/08
gluten free foof.pdf  1.074 K 11/04/08
Letter accompanying consultation paper.pdf  38 K 11/04/08
Consultation Paper final.pdf  49 K 11/04/08
EPMHS Pilot Evaluation Report Feb 07.pdf  330 K 29/03/08
Annual review 2007.pdf  231 K 29/03/08
NOF2.pdf  124 K 29/03/08
NOF1.pdf  125 K 29/03/08
PBC Leads200308 Community Budgets.pdf  85 K 29/03/08
PBC Leads 200308 Childrens services.pdf  81 K 29/03/08
DH_083589.pdf  221 K 29/03/08
DH_083588.pdf  256 K 29/03/08
DH_083587.pdf  114 K 29/03/08
DH_083590[1].pdf  93 K 29/03/08
PPI.pdf  211 K 29/03/08
CivitasReviewMar08.pdf  2.284 K 29/03/08
Hemel polyclinic.pdf  319 K 29/03/08
Carers Health Forum3.pdf  221 K 29/03/08
Carers Health Forum2.pdf  86 K 29/03/08
Carers Health Forum1.pdf  94 K 29/03/08
EPMHS Redesign Group Meeting 060308.pdf  27 K 29/03/08
DacCom EPMHS Commissioning Case for Change Support Form Mar08.pdf  37 K 29/03/08
ABCD_DiabetesUK_Survey06.pdf  784 K 29/03/08
Specialist diabetes care compromised.pdf  253 K 29/03/08
Record_080229.pdf  35 K 29/03/08
DacComPBC LES.PDF  117 K 29/03/08
DacCom Counselling business case approval Mar 08.pdf  33 K 29/03/08
CH email approval.pdf  498 K 29/03/08
CA email approval.pdf  198 K 29/03/08
TW email approval.pdf  227 K 29/03/08
RG email approval.pdf  609 K 29/03/08
DacCom Commissioning case for change support form.pdf  33 K 29/03/08
Dr V Tiwari's paper.pdf  183 K 29/03/08
Draft_Record_080229.pdf  34 K 29/03/08
Physiotherapy 2008-09 DacCom budget.pdf  137 K 29/03/08
Retinal Screening as pdf.pdf  448 K 29/03/08
PBC Leads 210208 Enhanced Services.pdf  148 K 29/03/08
PBC Leads 210208 ASR review structure.pdf  21 K 29/03/08
PBC Leads 210208 Parkinsons Nurse.pdf  121 K 29/03/08
PBC Leads 210208 Budgets.pdf  134 K 29/03/08
PBC Leads 210208 Agenda.pdf  24 K 29/03/08
PBC Leads 210208 Minutes.pdf  118 K 29/03/08
The_right_result_PbR_2008_summary.pdf  73 K 25/02/08
Microsoft Word - Landscape Sexual Health Strategy for Hertfordshire - current Feb 08.pdf  2.713 K 12/02/08
EPMHS Redesign Group Meeting 050208.pdf  42 K 12/02/08
PBC Gov sub committee Minutes 29 01 08.pdf  182 K 12/02/08
DacorumPatnership-towards2021.pdf  548 K 12/02/08
HCOP minutes 28 11 07.pdf  35 K 12/02/08
HCOP TOR.pdf  35 K 12/02/08
HCOP Agenda 6 Feb 08.pdf  23 K 12/02/08
Final Community Matrons document.pdf  475 K 12/02/08
Final Intermediate Care document.pdf  739 K 12/02/08
PBC support manager advert.pdf  62 K 12/02/08
new PPI website.pdf  276 K 12/02/08
PPI meeting 280108.pdf  178 K 12/02/08
18weekwestherts2007.pdf  92 K 12/02/08
COPD2.pdf  327 K 12/02/08
COPD1.pdf  353 K 12/02/08
Diabetes2.pdf  341 K 12/02/08
Diabetes1.pdf  376 K 12/02/08
DacCom Summary 2008-09 Commissioning Plan.pdf  39 K 12/02/08
RCGP Darzi Patient leaflet.pdf  162 K 12/02/08
gpcguidancepbcin200809jan08.pdf  22 K 12/02/08
gpcguidancepbcprovisioncoiprobityjan08.pdf  44 K 12/02/08
Herts Invite.pdf  60 K 12/02/08
PBC 2008-09 Budgets.pdf  133 K 12/02/08
Financial Plan 2008-09.pdf  160 K 12/02/08
Stop Smoking LES.pdf  159 K 12/02/08
Choice meeting3.pdf  391 K 12/02/08
Choice meeting2.pdf  23 K 12/02/08
Choice meeting1.pdf  66 K 12/02/08
PBC survey3.pdf  24 K 12/02/08
PBC Survey Wave 2 [1].pdf  55 K 12/02/08
WatsonDrP 181207.pdf  728 K 12/02/08
rulesforcoopDH.pdf  136 K 12/02/08
PBC commissioning&procurement.pdf  204 K 12/02/08
PBC and procurement.pdf  27 K 12/02/08
Commissioning case for change approval process.pdf  76 K 12/02/08
hospital coding errors.pdf  240 K 12/02/08
071221 SHA Procurement Letter Finaljt.pdf  704 K 12/02/08
Shifting Care Closer to Home DH_079801[1].pdf  889 K 12/02/08
Anne Walker 281207.pdf  43 K 12/02/08
DMIT.pdf  188 K 12/02/08
DMIT management summary 0607.pdf  72 K 12/02/08
Primary Mental Health meeting 20 Dec 07.pdf  47 K 12/02/08
guidance 2008.pdf  129 K 12/02/08
PBC Pricing V1 0712 BEDS LMC OFFER.pdf  18 K 20/12/07
PBC Leaflet V1 0712.pdf  300 K 20/12/07
Operating Framework.pdf  1.081 K 20/12/07
Operating Framework and PCT Resource Allocations 08-09.pdf  69 K 20/12/07
new service redesign process.pdf  18 K 20/12/07
2444 Final letter Jan.pdf  303 K 20/12/07
Heart Failure Pathway 2.pdf  338 K 20/12/07
Heart Failure Pathway 1.pdf  363 K 20/12/07
N3 PBC Governance TOR.PDF  38 K 20/12/07
N3 PBC Governance Review Appendix 4.pdf  22 K 20/12/07
N3 PBC Governance Review Appendix 3.pdf  24 K 20/12/07
West Herts PBC Leads Meeting291107s.pdf  22 K 20/12/07
WCC summary-.pdf  1.461 K 20/12/07
WCC competencies.pdf  156 K 20/12/07
WCC Vision.pdf  1.237 K 20/12/07
Dacorum Partnership.pdf  90 K 20/12/07
HCOP minutes.pdf  64 K 20/12/07
Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (Workbook R4.1 2Aug07).pdf  1.736 K  6/12/07
Excluding patients from DRS (v2.0 19Mar06).pdf  46 K  6/12/07
Confidentiality & Disclosure BMAGuidance2007.pdf  66 K  6/12/07
Anne Walker 031207.pdf  47 K  6/12/07
PBC leads meeting6.pdf  233 K  6/12/07
PBC leads meeting5.pdf  175 K  6/12/07
PBC leads meeting4.pdf  253 K  6/12/07
PBC leads meeting3.pdf  34 K  6/12/07
PBC leads meeting2.pdf  70 K  6/12/07
PBC leads meeting1.pdf  142 K  6/12/07
are more GP practices needed.pdf  66 K  6/12/07
PBC progress questions.pdf  309 K  6/12/07
CSD newsletter - Nov07 - final.pdf  52 K  6/12/07
Quality health care meeting (UCC)2.pdf  80 K  6/12/07
Quality health care meeting1.pdf  55 K  6/12/07
Conclave meeting4.pdf  65 K  6/12/07
Conclave meeting3.pdf  65 K  6/12/07
Conclave Meeting2.pdf  28 K  6/12/07
Conclave meeting1.pdf  13 K  6/12/07
WHHT SLA meeting5.pdf  202 K  6/12/07
WHHT SLA meeting4.pdf  427 K  6/12/07
WHHT SLA meeting3.pdf  361 K  6/12/07
WHHT SLA meeting2.pdf  104 K  6/12/07
WHHT SLA meeting1.pdf  25 K  6/12/07
Puttingcommissioningintopractice_22Nov2007REPORT.pdf  518 K  6/12/07
Puttingcommissioningintopractice_22Nov2007SUMMARY.pdf  107 K  6/12/07
New WHHT Chief Exec.pdf  167 K 15/11/07
288A.pdf  145 K 15/11/07
darzi.pdf  453 K 15/11/07
Acute medical care.pdf  677 K 15/11/07
PBR activity 4.pdf  712 K 15/11/07
PBR activity 2.pdf  736 K 15/11/07
PBR activity 3.pdf  279 K 15/11/07
PBR activity 1.pdf  1.395 K 15/11/07
DH_PBC report.pdf  403 K 15/11/07
DacCom Visits as at 261007.pdf  25 K 15/11/07
Choose & Book 2007-08.pdf  573 K 15/11/07
Provider Services Summary.pdf  226 K 15/11/07
Q1 Activity Summaries.pdf  499 K 15/11/07
West Herts PBC Leads Meeting181007.pdf  41 K 15/11/07
Intermediate Care Conclave document.pdf  72 K 15/11/07
West Herts PCT double weak.pdf  101 K 15/11/07
E_PBC_Fair_Shares_West.pdf  28 K 15/11/07
E_PBC_Fair_Shares_Appendix.pdf  6 K 15/11/07
Provider%20Flyer%20-%20Midlands%20Event.pdf  237 K 15/11/07
PBC Oct 2007.pdf  30 K 15/11/07
Provider Flyer Event 21 Nov 07.pdf  237 K 10/10/07
Draft Agenda 21 Nov Event.pdf  44 K 10/10/07
wherts.pdf  741 K 13/08/07
24_Factsheet_cyp.pdf  293 K  2/08/07
Social Enterprises.pdf  40 K  2/08/07
Opportunity to create GP Provider Co with Harmoni _HH UCC_ 24th July 2007.pdf  96 K  2/08/07
LSP conference presentation.pdf  744 K  2/08/07
PCTreorganisation2.pdf  1.220 K  2/08/07
PCTreorganisation1.pdf  141 K  2/08/07
Dacorum Community Plan.pdf  905 K  2/08/07
ClinicalServices120707CommunityServices.pdf  70 K  2/08/07
Clinical Services meeting notes3.pdf  60 K  2/08/07
Clinical Services meeting notes2.pdf  57 K  2/08/07
ClinicalServices120707StahCom.pdf  80 K  2/08/07
ClinicalServices120707Watcom.pdf  73 K  2/08/07
ClinicalServices120707Hertsmere.pdf  54 K  2/08/07
Clinical Services meeting notes1.pdf  61 K  2/08/07
Clinical Services meeting agenda.pdf  29 K  2/08/07
Year of Care.pdf  309 K  2/08/07
flyer2 (4).pdf  102 K  2/08/07
DacCom Practice Visits.pdf  206 K  2/08/07
PBC and 18 weeks.pdf  971 K  2/08/07
Healthcare Commission review of heart failure.pdf  116 K  2/08/07
East of England redundancy payoff.pdf  46 K  2/08/07
PBC and PPI New Frontier.pdf  160 K  2/08/07
familial breast screening.pdf  123 K  2/08/07
maternity.pdf  89 K  2/08/07
retinal screening.pdf  197 K  2/08/07
Adult CN.pdf  36 K  2/08/07
Oxygen(e).pdf  322 K  2/08/07
PEC5.pdf  240 K  2/08/07
PEC4.pdf  112 K  2/08/07
PEC3.pdf  253 K  2/08/07
PEC2.pdf  88 K  2/08/07
PEC1.pdf  59 K  2/08/07
Small practices variations.pdf  65 K  2/08/07
Richard Granger to go.pdf  33 K  2/08/07
Referral Management Guidelines.pdf  64 K  2/08/07
Named Clinicians Referrals.pdf  63 K  2/08/07
HepCguidance-2007-003.pdf  3.178 K  8/06/07
Issue 14060607.pdf  83 K  8/06/07
NHS staff to be ballotted.pdf  41 K  8/06/07
reply form PBC guru.pdf  45 K  8/06/07
Local Spending for local neds EoE.pdf  41 K  8/06/07
Local Spending for Local Needs.pdf  537 K  8/06/07
NAO prescribing report.pdf  125 K  8/06/07
PBC a shambles.pdf  110 K  8/06/07
PracticeBasedCommissioning[1].pdf  101 K 18/05/07
Local General Hospital Meeting.pdf  962 K 18/05/07
Making trouble for the NHS.pdf  221 K 18/05/07
DacComAGMnotice.pdf  32 K 18/05/07
Breaking Down Barriers.pdf  452 K 18/05/07
Commissioning A Brighter Future.pdf  359 K 18/05/07
KingstonAWP.pdf  80 K 18/05/07
PBC+-+model+letter+to+a+PCT+from+the+LMC+and-or+practice+-+May+2007.pdf  52 K 18/05/07
DH Directions for PBC and other DES 06-07.pdf  122 K 26/04/07
PARS2.pdf  351 K 26/04/07
LMC PBC leads meeting 200407.pdf  321 K 26/04/07
Saws and scalpels to lasers and robots - surgery April 07.pdf  640 K 26/04/07
DN Priorities.pdf  110 K 26/04/07
DN Meeting 120407.pdf  101 K 26/04/07
Draft Agenda 6th June Event.pdf  116 K 26/04/07
Draft Agenda 23rd May Event.pdf  29 K 26/04/07
Flyer - Developing as a Provider.pdf  61 K 26/04/07
Watford MSK CATS review.pdf  330 K 26/04/07
Clinical Assessment and Treatment Services in Hertfordshire Review.pdf  556 K 26/04/07
HSJ Choose&Book info.pdf  50 K 26/04/07
JaneHalpinRetinalScreeningLetter.pdf  182 K 26/04/07
PECs.pdf  115 K 26/04/07
ACP Template.pdf  28 K 29/03/07
Managed entry of new drugs March 2007.final.pdf  26 K 29/03/07
Letter to WH MMC from Dr Nick Brown 19.3.07.pdf  90 K 29/03/07
LEE Flyer.pdf  53 K 10/03/07
COPD Meeting 19.3.07.pdf  91 K 10/03/07
PBC Bid.pdf  93 K 10/03/07
spend to save.pdf  36 K 10/03/07
minor surgery.pdf  38 K 10/03/07
PBC_Reg_Form_March2007.pdf  67 K 10/03/07
PBC Federation Newsletter Issue 12.pdf  248 K 10/03/07
GPs to do hospital roles.pdf  1.484 K 10/03/07
letterfromAnneWalker.pdf  42 K  4/02/07
PHewitt'sView.pdf  91 K  4/02/07
CATS news.pdf  25 K  4/02/07
BMJ referral management article.pdf  59 K  4/02/07
CATSinHertfordshireReviewSL3.pdf  349 K  4/02/07
Staff Tier 4.pdf  42 K  4/02/07
Choice - Booking component.pdf  109 K  4/02/07
choice_des_briefing_050107[1].pdf  32 K  4/02/07
Clinical Governance in Primary Care.pdf  735 K  4/02/07
press.pdf  173 K  1/01/07
LordWarner.pdf  202 K  1/01/07
Issue 11.pdf  245 K  1/01/07
NewGuidelinesJointBHS4.pdf  162 K  1/01/07
Referral Management.pdf  124 K  1/01/07
LMC PBC Meeting Aug06.pdf  218 K  1/01/07
HotTopicsAgenda051206.pdf  158 K  1/01/07
HSJnov.pdf  68 K  2/12/06
Providing for the future SHORT VERSION.pdf  103 K  2/12/06
PBC Compact for Practices and PCTs.pdf  44 K  2/12/06
PBC Practical Implications.pdf  375 K  2/12/06
PBCshortPractical Implication.pdf  115 K  2/12/06
HSJnews.pdf  380 K  2/12/06
pcc_provider_guide__nov_06_final[1].pdf  465 K  2/12/06
DirectionofTravelforUrgentCare.pdf  434 K  2/12/06
TA097guidance[1].pdf  286 K  2/12/06
LMC Map.pdf  66 K  2/12/06
successfulcommissioning1106[1].pdf  31 K 19/11/06
KingsFund3.pdf  651 K 19/11/06
KingsFund2.pdf  423 K 19/11/06
KingsFund1.pdf  669 K 19/11/06
DiabetesCommissioningToolkit.pdf  802 K 11/11/06
Intermediate care Information Leaflet.pub  84 K 11/11/06
HSJ_191006.pdf  753 K 11/11/06
5GW%5FAHC%5FTrust%5FSummary%5F200506%2Epdf[1].pdf  377 K 11/11/06
HSJ121006.pdf  745 K 11/11/06
Issue 10.pdf  76 K 11/11/06
HSJDerbyshire.pdf  2.090 K  7/10/06
WHC OP FU guidance v1-1.pdf  161 K  7/10/06
SPMS.pdf  167 K  7/10/06
Provider_Structure_Analysis.pdf  12 K  7/10/06
LLPinfo.pdf  10 K  7/10/06
PROVIDER_ARM.pdf  17 K  7/10/06
Who's kicking who.pdf  281 K  7/10/06
PECmeetingB.pdf  136 K 21/09/06
PECmeetingA.pdf  185 K 21/09/06
Microsoft_Word__PEC_Meeting_Royalty_House14th_September_2006.pdf  18 K 21/09/06
EoE SHA_Scope for cost savings140906.pdf  48 K 21/09/06
MIDASpresentation.pdf  421 K 21/09/06
Health Reform in England Commissioning Annexe.pdf  538 K 21/09/06
Health Reform in England - Update & Commissioning Framework.pdf  269 K 21/09/06
Implementation Support Guide 200607 - v3.pdf  219 K 21/09/06
Position statement payment by results sept 06.pdf  69 K 21/09/06
PEC Review DHSept06.pdf  34 K 21/09/06
NHS Deficit.pdf  393 K 31/08/06
Trish Hawitt.pdf  113 K 31/08/06
pbc info provision v3 annex predit1.pdf  86 K 31/08/06
Training programme.pdf  77 K 31/08/06
Michelle Webster.pdf  115 K 31/08/06
Louise Parker.pdf  613 K 31/08/06
K and S framework.pdf  43 K 31/08/06
Scan023.pdf  94 K 26/08/06
PBCNewFrameworkSummary.pdf  297 K 26/08/06
Choose&BookDES020806.pdf  30 K 26/08/06
ConsultationleafletWEB[1].pdf  141 K 26/08/06
PublicConsultationDocWEB[1].pdf  278 K 26/08/06
L&D ENT.pdf  32 K 31/07/06
AnIndependentNHS.pdf  143 K 28/07/06
ISTCsSummary.pdf  858 K 28/07/06
clinical leadeship July06 12492_3[1].pdf  3.139 K 26/07/06
PBRreport.pdf  51 K 26/07/06
PBRactionplan.pdf  20 K 26/07/06
ISSUE 8.pdf  117 K 18/07/06
Update2Commissioning.pdf  538 K 18/07/06
Update1Commissioning0706.pdf  269 K 18/07/06
PBC Bulletin 2.pdf  158 K 13/07/06
CASdocument.pdf  529 K 13/07/06
Improvement Methodology for PBC - John Derry.pdf  485 K 13/07/06
Information & Practice Based Commissioning - AndrewHyslop.pdf  107 K 13/07/06
NAPC - Dr Rhidian Morris.pdf  142 K 13/07/06
Payment By Results and Financial Flows - Neil Wilson.pdf  139 K 13/07/06
PBC - Uttlesford.the Story So Far - Dale Atkins.pdf  285 K 13/07/06
Planning for PBC - Philip Grant.pdf  93 K 13/07/06
What the Heck is PBC - Mo Dewji.pdf  86 K 13/07/06
Budgets that Work - James Murphy.pdf  58 K 13/07/06
EmergencyCarePractitioner.pdf  736 K 30/06/06
PatientSafety_PracticeBasedCommissioning.pdf  225 K 30/06/06
PBCToolkitFinal.pdf  415 K 26/10/05
newproviders.pdf  119 K 26/10/05
patientleadNHScompetition.pdf  321 K 26/10/05
primarycare and A&E.pdf  62 K 26/10/05
intermetiatecarexray.pdf  224 K 26/10/05

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Files: 379
Size of all files: 107.721 K